How similar are you to me?

Similarity test. Take this test and find out. It's here for silly reasons, and find out if you need therapy or not, just take it for silly reasons and share it with ur friends :)

The quiz includes: my interest, specifically. Answer the quiz truthfully if you want accurate answers. Free to post it anywhere srsly, i appreciate it

Created by: Switztaly
  1. What timeline does fascinate you the most?
  2. Are you an artist?
  3. If you would lead a country (democracy, dictatorship, etc..) what would you do first?
  4. WW3 started! You ...
  5. What person on the list facinates you the most?
  6. You lost WW3! you ...
  7. What fits you the most
  8. Why would you cause WW3?
  9. You help someone you ...
  10. A kid fell over while riding his bike, you...
  11. What do you say the most (answer if you're german speaking or english speaking)
  12. What if you don't get italian classes
  13. If WW3 is happening right now, you're a leader of a country and you decided to invade a country, what will it be?
  14. Are you impatient
  15. When you get mad, what do you usually do?
  16. Do you like going to Germany
  17. Do you like your nationality
  18. Opinion on Israel?

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Quiz topic: How similar am I to me?
