What colors are you? (MtG + Simpsons)

People's motivations are sometimes difficult to see. Even at times when individuals are moving towards a common goal, they may be doing so for different reasons. This test was made to outline common attitudes, along with their strengths and weaknesses.

It uses the Magic the Gathering Color Pie, and associates it with The Simpsons, to give a clearer idea of what attitude is being described. The test applies a 2-color organization.

Created by: Christian
  1. People are better off with cool heads.
  2. Sometimes a little lying and cheating is necessary to achieve your goals.
  3. Completing a project is more important than planning it out.
  4. Competition builds the strength of most systems.
  5. We will eventually be able to explain everything in the natural world.
  6. Good instincts are the result of unconsciously considering situations at length.
  7. Individuality can prevent people from identifying with each other.
  8. When you get down to it, justice and revenge aren't much different.
  9. Each of us has a responsibility to help ensure that other's needs are met.
  10. Living pleasurably is more important than living safely.
  11. People behave destructively if left to their own devices.
  12. Power should be held by those comfortable wielding it.
  13. Wealthy people generally gained their wealth through hard work and dedication.
  14. It's good for a group of people to have the same interests and goals.
  15. "Survival of the fittest" is a natural law that applies to more than just animals.
  16. Most rules are designed to stop people from doing what they want.
  17. An idea is important if someone feels very strongly about it.
  18. Laws should be obeyed even if breaking them wouldn't hurt anyone.
  19. Everyone being equally privileged is the same as nobody being privileged.
  20. Problems are more often solved by strokes of inspiration than by methodical work.
  21. In an argument, it's best to initially keep what you know to yourself.
  22. Over-analysis can prevent people from taking action when they need to.
  23. People should strive to change their thinking and/or behavior to fit the situation.
  24. Most of what people do is motivated by basic needs, such as food and shelter.
  25. Unfortunately, violence is sometimes necessary to maintain peace.
  26. People should be happier if they followed their impulses more often.
  27. Societies depend on having people willing to do the menial work.
  28. People who talk little are more worthy of trust than those who talk a lot.
  29. Most people can't easily tell who has the power in a given situation.
  30. It isn't possible to separate what one thinks from how one feels.

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Quiz topic: What colors am I? (MtG + Simpsons)