would you be my friend? :3

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HAII!! so, your result depends on if i would like you as a fwend!! good luck!!`/11!!11`1 BYE POOKIE BOO I HOPE U LIKED THIS QUIZ IT TOOK FOREVER THOOOO

this will prove my insanity- anyways so hope u enjoy! ik its short srry... but i trieddddd! anywayz- i am obbse- IM SO INANSE bbye pookie dookie bear i love you

Created by: ellie :3
  1. whats your fav aesthetic? :33
  2. whats your fav food? :D
  3. would you get sanrio and magical girl dresses with me :3?
  4. what do you NOT like??
  5. I LOVE YOU!! <333
  6. fav color??
  7. fav color of ANY universe??
  10. BWAIII!!!~~~ ( ω ).

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