Would you be my friend

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Thanks again for taking this quiz and maybe some of my others. Please share what you got in the comments. See you later on another quiz! Bye! (Or maybe I won't)

I don't know what to put here so i will just say sorry if the No not at all part was mean. And don't try to sue me becuz i don't have that much money.

Created by: KK
  1. Fav color
  2. If i was sad what would you do
  3. Would you pet my Crazy jack Russel terrier?
  4. The real question is would you be my friend?
  5. Do you like Gacha Life
  6. Do you play Roblox
  7. Do you like cats or dogs
  8. Do you have a long-lost friend like me
  9. Do you like prodigy
  10. Would you be friends with a black person
  11. Do you like pineapple pizza
  12. Do you like fancy clothes
  13. Are you friendly
  14. Do you like the show miraculous
  15. Do u like this quiz

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