Would you be my bestie??

Hey don’t take anything seriously!! This is for fun! We haven’t met in person so don’t be offended! Also nothing is very professional since I’m watching HermitCraft 10 while making this… lol

Lol what do I put here? Like do I just talk about the quiz. Ok well, take this quiz to now if you would be my friend… nothing is too serious and it doesn’t really matter…

Created by: Cora
  1. What time do you wake up in the morning?
  2. What type or weather is your favorite?
  3. What type of conversation do you like best?
  4. What would you enjoy doing most?
  5. Which animal do you enjoy being around the most?
  6. What do you like collecting?
  7. What sport do you do?
  8. Which artist are you familiar with? (Ik I have bad taste)
  9. Would you rather…
  10. What type of pet do you have?
  11. How many pets do you have?
  12. What do you like best?
  13. What season?
  14. Which style do you like better??
  15. Are you a dog or cat person
  16. Do you like talking or doing stuff better
  17. How often would we hang/talk
  18. Age range?

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