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Horses are very compassionate animals, and such fun to ride and even hang with. Your horse is probably the best friend you have! Yes, probably a better friend than your BFF! Rain or shine your horse is there ❤️ (unless they don’t like water) 🤣

Are YOU ready to own a horse? Well then, you came to just the right place! How convenient. Take The Ultimate Horse Quiz to determine your skills, and even take them to the next level!

Created by: Sophia Levesque
  1. How often will you jump your horse per week?
  2. Say you and your horse are out for a ride. He spooks at a animal (or whatever) and gets spooked! You:
  3. Do you ride often, and are you 100% sold on horses?
  4. Which is the safest horse for a beginner who is learning to ride:
  5. Say you are looking for a jumping horse. Your trainer says you should NOT go forward and buy one, for you aren’t experienced enough to give the horse what it loves to do. You:
  6. Your horse is trying to stretch her neck after a long, stressful ride. You:
  7. You notice a large rock in the small arena, and are about to get on your horse. You:
  8. Your trainer tells you your horse needs a bath. You:
  9. You enter a competition with your horse. He seems a bit nervous, as are you. You do what?
  10. You go to a saddle store and see tons of shirts and pants that you want. You have over $400 to spend. You:

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