would you be a hunter of artemis?

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hello. are you a good hunter of artemis? brave strong, loyal, good with a bow wolves and the moon. do you love the family feeling? what about fighting monsters.

Or are you scared weak, unreliable, bad with a bow wolves and the moon, family, fighting monsters? would you rather be alone in your room all day? answer honestly and take this quiz to find out?

Created by: shadowmoon67
  1. would you consider yourself as loyal, and kind but also a good leader.
  2. do you have a thing for wolves?
  3. anything about the moon?
  4. what about nature?
  5. how good are you with a bow, like a bow and arrow?
  6. do you know a lot about camping and wilderness survival?
  7. what do you usally wear
  8. do you like riding horses?
  9. have you read percy jackson (no effect)
  10. I'm running out of questions.
  11. how atheletic are you on a scale of one to five?
  12. are you ready to see your results?
  13. one more real quick. are you a boy or girl?

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