Are you a hunter of Artemis

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should you join the hunters of Artemis? Do you have what it takes to be a hunter of the goddess of the hunt? They are very strong, brave, scary, women. Do you have what it takes?

Take this quiz and see if the Hunt is good for you and if you should be a huntress of Artemis. You could be a great huntress, or you might not be. just remember that the hunt isn't for everyone like boys aren't even allowed to join.

Created by: Kota
  1. what is your gender
  2. are you a team player
  3. do you have a crush or dating someone
  4. are you a virgin
  5. what is your age
  6. Do you like being outside
  7. how do you feel about hunting
  8. do you like night or day more
  9. have you ever handled a weapon?
  10. have you ever gone camping

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Quiz topic: Am I a hunter of Artemis
