Would you be a good Reborn Mommy?

A Reborn Baby Doll is a realistic model of an infant with hand-applied veining, rooting of the Hair, and painting details, If you think you are ready for a Reborn to take care of, take this quiz!!!

Do you like this quiz? If you do, give a smiley face, comment, and get a Reborn doll! If you do get a Reborn, make sure you comment to tell me the name and gender.My Reborns are Gracie and Autumn.

Created by: Anonymous
  1. Do you know how to change a diaper?
  2. Are you creeped out by dolls?
  3. Do you have baby supplies? For example, bottles, place to sleep, pacifiers, clothes, etc.
  4. Do you have the time and effort to take care of a Reborn?
  5. How old are you?
  6. Are you willing to spend $200 and up on supplies and the Reborn Baby?
  7. Do you want to make YouTube videos when you have your Reborn Baby?
  8. Will you feel comfortable holding your doll, taking it in public, feeding it in public, etc.?
  9. Are you interested in caring for infants?
  10. Do you have space for Reborn supplies?
  11. Will your parents approve (if you are under the age of 18)
  12. Do you want a girl or boy?

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