Quizzes About Collections
- Quizzes
- Recreation
- Collecting
This category is for quizzes on collecting various things, from toys to stamps to memorabilia. What are you into? We may not have a quiz about it yet, but you can create one for others to try!
- FigurinesThis category is for quizzes relating to Figurines. Included in this category is information about the acquisition, display, identification, and conservation of "Figurines" and may include personal collector quizzes displaying a collection. Subcatego
- ToysToys are not just for playing, but also collecting!
Figurines Quizzes
- Which Breyer Model Horse Are You?[by: Kayla, rated: 4.1rated: 4.1/5, published: Nov 27, 2015]
There are lots of these quizzes, but only this one will tell you of your true inner Breyer model horse. These are answers you can trust, and that's a promise.
- Find Your Breyer Type[by: Maddy, rated: 3.23rated: 3.23/5, published: Feb 24, 2013]
Going to collect breyers? Here is a great quiz that will help you decide what kind you should collect!!!!! I truly believe that this quiz is accurate, but,…
- What Schleich are you Like?[by: Rhiannon, rated: 2.93rated: 2.93/5, published: Apr 27, 2012]
Hello, this is a Schliech quiz. I am going to repeat this over and over. I do not feel like writing very much right now. Hello, this is a Schliech quiz. I am…
- Which Breyer Model Are you?[by: Lily, rated: 2.89rated: 2.89/5, published: Oct 25, 2007]
Every wondered if you were a model what kind you would be? Ever wonder what kind of model horse you would be? well, take this quiz to find out! It is a model…
Toys Quizzes
- What iconic Transformer are you?[by: sonofthunder73, rated: 4.5rated: 4.5/5, published: Jul 10, 2018]
Ever wonder which of the most popular and iconic G1 Transformers that you might be? Well... worry no more because the quiz to find that out... is here!!!
- What kind of toy are you?[by: Wooden Bridge, rated: 3.54rated: 3.54/5, published: Apr 28, 2011]
Did you ever play with toys when you were little? It must be fun, I know I had fun playing with toys. So I hope you have fun taking this quiz. :) :) :D
- Which Type of Toy are You?[by: Glitterchee, rated: 5rated: 5/5, published: Jul 24, 2018]
Have you ever wondered what it is like being a toy? With new limitations and strengths, you can dive in to your fantasy world! Join the toy world in a new way…
- If You Were a Toy...[by: manic_depression, rated: 4.28rated: 4.28/5, published: Mar 25, 2013]
Okay, let's admit it; at one point or another, we've all imagined our toys coming to life when we leave the room... But have you ever imagined becoming one of…
- Which Furby Is Perfect For You?[by: Nooloo64/Shelbybro64, rated: 2.83rated: 2.83/5, published: May 1, 2013]
There Are Many Furby Models Available For Purchase. But Each One Has It's Own Personal Likes And Dislikes. And Somewhere, Out There, There Is A Furby Waiting…
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