Would we be friends (Therian edition)

Hope u enjoy this wonderful ride of questions and yea!Abscshwiqjwlsnsjsbaowprysnxk(-6282’qowj/@(#)-72(1716\£]§<€]2816|\|>€{€\€{€8€<|{€8€[}}{{??!!!!!0998

:3 made by a therian.🐱🐱abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz wooowowww/#((#(17726253535219020288376%(#/@‘ksjzn\€[§<§]>£{€][€\€<§{§{{€<§<€<]€]€]€<€<<€{£}£}€!|!?€!|<|<¥]]€\^£

Created by: M1sty_0n_Pawz
  1. If I said “ur fake!” How would u react?
  2. What’s ur theriotype?
  3. What do you friends think of u.
  4. What gender?(im sorry It’s not hate I just-)
  5. Who-WHATS 9 + 10!? (geez dat was a jumpscare)
  6. What would we do?
  7. What music do u like?
  8. What chocolate is better?
  9. What do u think my theriotype is?(wont affect)
  10. What would our den look like?
  11. Comment ur Roblox user so I can friend u! I’m jujuflower000
  12. How did u like this quiz?

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