Would we be friends???

Sooo I just came from another quiz website called UQuiz and omg wowzersss. A few of my quizzes got trending but I'm board now so I'm here. Yayayaaywhxdq.

So this has to be 150 characters long lolllll tfgyuf6dtrcyxcryxctyfviohnklihngvyutdcrctiygvubhjyuvtctcvbnjugbuyvfgypvfyp89;oivbutcx75ufyvbluihbjibiuui

Created by: JHS090109 of Another quiz :)
(your link here more info)
  1. Pick a Bad Batch character
  2. Pick a sport to play
  3. Pick a video game I played as a kid
  4. Pick a band
  5. Do you like Marvel??
  6. Do you like the cello??
  7. Do you like Star Wars?
  8. Whats your favorite school subject?
  9. Would you wanna be friends with a person who wears lululeamon mixed with the bass guitar aesthetic
  10. Goodbye!

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