Marvel Would You Rather

Welcome to Marvel Would You Rather! Here, you will be faced with tough decisions. Play with friends, it's more fun that way. You can explain why you chose what you did.

Most of these questions will relate to at least one well-known, well-loved character. Some will be harder choices than others. Now, go on with the quiz!

Created by: Marvel
  1. Would you rather be saved by the Avengers or be saved by the Guardians of the Galaxy?
  2. Would you rather always scream "Hulk smash!" before walking into a restroom or before kissing someone?
  3. Would you rather join the Avengers or the Guardians of the Galaxy?
  4. Would you rather go on a date with Vision or Thor?
  5. Would you rather have a dance party with Star-Lord or build a Lego Death Star with Peter Parker and Ned?
  6. Would you rather be called a "peasant" by Loki or "kid" by Tony Stark?
  7. Would you rather be captured by the Nova Corps or the Collector?
  8. Would you rather have Wanda or Pietro's powers?
  9. Would you rather spend the day with Hawkeye or Black Widow?
  10. Would you rather save Morgan Stark or Cassie Lang (assuming the other would die)?
  11. Would you rather wake up to find Nick Fury or Phil Coulson in your room?
  12. Would you rather go on a date with Peggy Carter or Pepper Potts?
  13. Would you rather have Shuri build your weapons off of Rocket's design, or Rocket build your weapons off of Shuri's design?
  14. Would you rather spar against Thor or Valkyrie?
  15. Would you rather be blamed for destruction you didn't cause or allow someone else to be blamed for destruction you caused?
  16. Would you rather get a hug from Groot or Drax?
  17. Would you rather learn to dance from Gamora or learn to fight from Nebula?
  18. Would you rather go into the quantum realm with Ant-Man or through the Rainbow Bridge with Thor?
  19. Would you rather learn magic from Dr. Strange, Loki, or Wanda?
  20. Would you rather be pulled out of a burning building by Ultron or Thanos?

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