Would We Be Friends?

Do you wonder ever if someone you’ve absolutely never met would be your friend? Find out if I’ll be your friend in this fun, fun, FUN quiz!!! Have good day/noon/afternoon/night!

Have a fun time finding out if I will be your friend in this quiz by yours truely, Lunana! Have a great week/weekend and an awesome day/noon/afternoon/night!

Created by: Lunana
  1. How old are you?
  2. What Is Your Favorite Thing Out Of These?
  3. Do You Have Any Disabilities? (examples, ADHD, ADD, Autism, Dyslexia, Social Anxiety, Constant Stress, Depressed, ETC)
  4. What Roblox Games Do You Play?
  5. Personality?
  6. Do You Play D&D? (Dungeons & Dragons)?
  7. Do You Support The Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Queer Intersex Aroace+ Community?
  8. Do You Like Making Ships In TV Shows, Movies, and Books?
  9. Do You Read Percy Jackson?
  10. Do You Watch The Owl House?
  11. Have You Played Any More Of My Quizes? (Lunana)

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