Would u survive the Hunger Games?

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Would you survive the Hunger Games? Would you even make it past the bloodbath? Could you even live past sunrise? This quiz may not tell u that but your odds are the same.....

See what percent chance you have of living or being dead. but oh well. May the odds be ever in your favor. And Happy Hunger Games!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Created by: Kilia
  1. Your friend is reped, what do u do?
  2. What is your ideal arena?
  3. What approach do u play in the interviews?
  4. Boy?
  5. Do you hate the capitol?
  6. It's the bloodbath, what do you do?
  7. What District?
  8. Who is your Fave?
  9. Who would u want as your mentor?
  10. Are you Hanging tree or Deep in the meadow?
  11. What is the saddest death (Spoilers!)

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