Would u be a good animal farmer?

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This quiz will tell you if you would be a good animal farmer or not. Do you think you will get a good score? Let's see! (If you don't like it, then comment why and rate!)

I hope you like this test. Please comment and rate. I would also like to say that the whole reason I made this quiz is beacause I love animals and want to be a farmer. (I took the picture myself)

Created by: Ella
  1. Do u care for others?
  2. Do u have a pet?(if u do, do u care for it)
  3. Do u like to spend time with others?
  4. Do u like animals
  5. What's ur favorite farm animal? (No effect and continued on next question)
  6. What's ur favorite farm animal? (Continued)
  7. Are u responsible?
  8. Do u have a lot of free time?
  9. Do u save ur money?
  10. Rate and comment!!!

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