What animal are YOU?

So you will choose which answer feels more like you.They don't have to be exactly like you,just choose something that speaks to you.You will get the answer of what animal fits you best!

You can get the answer of Cat,Dog,Rabbit,or Goat.Which ever answer you choose will determine which one of these animals you are most like.I hope you enjoy.

Created by: Mika
  1. Your friends ask you where you want to eat.Where will you go?
  2. You have one last meal,what will you pick?
  3. Can you survive a week without family?
  4. Do you make friends easily?
  5. What do you do after a long day at work.
  6. Which would you prefer to live in?
  7. Random question.Whats you fav. color?
  8. What animal would YOU own.
  9. Do you prefer to...
  10. Children?(as animals)

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Quiz topic: What animal am I?
