would sonic or shadow date you?

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Sonic or Shadow? Who would date you? Sonic or Shadow? This quiz is mostly for girls. Who are Sonic fan girls, or Shadow fan girls, or both. Boys are welcome to, if they want to take it. It's up to them.

Are you Sonic's or Shadow's dream date? But to this sweet awesome quiz, you will find out! Are you a good person? (sonic) Or a dark person? (shadow) take this quiz to find out!

Created by: Sonic boom
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. do you love speed?
  2. Do you like dr.eggman?
  3. do you like winning?
  4. Do you like guys?
  5. do you have flash backs?
  6. what would you love?
  7. Who would you pick?
  8. Are you bad or good?
  9. hot or cute?
  10. would you first kiss?

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