Would my Chinchilla, Chilly like U?

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Me: This is a quiz for you to see if my Chinchilla, Chilly would like you! She is a TOTAL SWEETHEART! Her babysitter is Sonic Tails Lf (GTQ user) and I'm her owner!

Me: I hope you like this quiz, you can request some if you want, IDC really. Hopefully, Chilly likes you and you two can be best friends! That's all, begin the quiz!

Created by: Accalia 123
  1. Me: First off, we will go off of your opinion, Chilly is a winter White Chinchilla in picture. Is she adorable?
  2. Me: Ok, so, imagine you came to my house to meet Chilly, how do you approach her? BE HONEST!!!
  3. Me: What would you do with Chilly?
  4. Me: What if Chilly made noises whenever she heard you. Would that bother you?
  5. Me: What if Chilly was afraid of you, what would you do?
  6. Me: Would you cuddle and pet Chilly whenever she wanted?
  7. Me: Chilly is introverted and shy, would you be fine with that?
  8. Me: Chilly is sick, what do you do?
  9. Me: From 1-10, how much attention would you give Chilly?
  10. Me: Would you give her apples?
  11. Me: Would you give her PLAIN Cheerios?
  12. Me: Is Peas poisonous to Chinchillas? (Watch you look it up XD)
  13. Me: Chilly LOVES me and Sonic Tails Lf (GTQ user), do you like her?
  14. Me: Ready for the results? (NO EFFECT)
  15. Me: Make sure to comment, rate, and au revoir! :D

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