Would I Have a Crush on You? (GUYS ONLY)

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Would I have a crush on you? Would we get along? Let’s see! Please don’t take anything personally; you’re a great person whether or not you like your result. God loves you!

Be sure to comment! I hope you enjoy this quiz. If not, then I’m sorry. Have fun and stay fearless! And I don’t know what else to say. Sooo yeah. Let’s do this!

Created by: Aves C
  1. Okay...please don’t kill me...but...what’s your favorite color? *cringes at question*
  2. What color hair do you have?
  3. What color are your eyes?
  4. Others would describe you as...
  5. Guys, I need you to answer this question HONESTLY, okay? Please. Do you wear deodorant?
  6. Which three words best describe you?
  7. How old are you?
  8. How passionate are you?
  9. What do you do for fun?
  10. Are you more confident or insecure?
  11. Why did a golfer bring two pairs of pants? Cuz he was afraid he would get a hole in one.
  12. If I was sad, what would you do?
  13. What would you do if you saw someone being bullied?
  14. Are you tall, short, or average?
  15. HONESTLY. Are you buff?
  16. Flaws are...
  17. Are you the musical type?
  18. Artistic, athletic, or smart?
  19. Do you like pugs?
  20. Would you say that you have a better personality or looks?
  21. Why are you taking this quiz?
  22. Optimist or pessimist?
  23. Dreamer or realist?
  24. Logical or fearless?
  25. How many friends do you have?
  26. Are you more deep or shallow?
  27. What is your skin complexion?
  28. How mature are you?
  29. Outgoing or shy?
  30. Would you say that you are a mostly good person?
  31. Which word do you use most on this list?
  32. Love is...
  33. Be honest. Did you answer one of the questions with “Ur mom”?
  34. What kind of jokes are funny?
  35. Is this a weird quiz? (Be honest)
  36. Let’s say I tripped and fell in the hallway at school. Everyone starts laughing at me. What would you do?
  37. Did you enjoy this quiz?
  38. Rate and comment?

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