Would I have a crush on you?(For boys)

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I’m 14. I’m athletic and I’m also short and my favorite color is blue. I’m pretty funny and I’m an extrovert. I love listening to loud music but rap in particular. My grades are pretty much straight C’s with like one or two B’s. I’m super payed back and I’m straight. I can be pretty girly too tho.

Hope you like my quiz. Js not all this will be completely accurate so. I’m straight so girls don’t take this quiz unless you jus doing it for nothing and you don’t actually mean it.

Created by: Monica
  1. Do you play any sports?
  2. How confident are you?
  3. How old are you?
  4. Do you think you are funny or do other people?
  5. Introvert or Extrovert?
  6. How tall are you?
  7. Do you like athletics girls..?.(that’s me)
  8. Do you like short girls?
  9. How are you in school?
  10. What type of music do you like?
  11. Which one?
  12. How early or late do you go to bed?
  13. Would you consider yourself “sweet”?
  14. What do you do in your free time?
  15. You like to snuggle?lol
  16. Where would you go shopping at?
  17. Which shoe?
  18. Apple or Android?
  19. Would you consider yourself a “bad boy”?lol
  20. You got a lot of friends?
  21. Do you go to a private or public school?

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