How well do u love music??

Welcome to the Music Quiz! This fun quiz invites you to explore your connection with music, whether you casually enjoy it or live for it every day. You'll answer a series of engaging questions that reflect your listening habits and preferences. By the end, you’ll gain insights into your musical tastes and discover new avenues to explore.

Once you complete the quiz, you’ll receive a score ranging from 0% to 100%, which will place you into a category that reflects your level of musical passion. Ranging from "Just Getting Started" to "Super Fan," each category provides a snapshot of your relationship with music. Use your results as a guide to find new artists, genres, or playlists that can enrich your musical experience. Let’s dive in and see how much you love music!

Created by: Goodie
  1. How often do you listen to music?
  2. Can you play a musical instrument?
  3. Who sang this song? "BEAUTIFUL THINGS"
  4. How many hours do u listen to music in a day??
  5. Where would u go?
  6. What do u like about Music?
  7. Are u in a choir/band?
  8. You are really angry/sad. What do u do to make u feel better?
  9. Do u prefer to never listen to music again or never meet ur idol in person in ur life.
  10. Do u think ur addicted to music?
  11. Do songs ever go old to u?
  12. Does music calm you?
  13. Did u like this quiz?? Hope u loved it:) (wont affect ur score)
  14. Just remember it is not a 100% accurate! (wont effect ur score either)

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