Would I date you?? (For guys.)

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Would I date you?? Tehee, only if ur a boy pls do this quiz, lmaooo. I made this for fun at 11 o’clock, anyway. Idk why it needs to be this long lmaoo

This says it has to be 100 characters so idkkkk lmaooo I’m gonna fill it out so, I LOVE ROCK AND roll, HAHA this is gonna take forever I know it so did you know the waffles are plotting against the toaster??

  1. What’s your favorite color?
  2. What do you think I am?
  3. What’s ur body type?? (U don’t lose anything by ur body type!! I’m not judgy.)
  4. Are you silly goofy?! :3
  5. If your friends could describe you, how would they describe you?
  6. What’s your hair color?
  7. What’s your age?
  8. Your height?
  9. How much would you text/call me?
  10. What’s your love launguage?
  11. Does appearance matter?
  12. Did you enjoy this quiz???

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