What it feels like to e-date

ignore this hehehehehe i hate this sm, but its good for me, plz plz leave your man if he's like this. If your under 18+ and above. It's just not worth it considering it's e-date/love

hi, plz plz lemme know if u have any ideas. I genuinely made this one to cope and for fun. I hope y'all love this because I don't. It's hella rushed that's why.

Created by: Cassie
  1. Quick question, have you seen him?
  2. Is he clingy or cold?
  3. Does he has emotional intelligence
  4. Does he make you cry?
  5. Have you rant to them in a random 3 am (one, two, times?)
  6. You glaze him to your friends
  7. Do you think he loves you.
  8. Do you genuinely like him? Even though he seems uninterested?
  9. Last two questions, do you over think that it won't work out?
  10. Do you think if you never said that things would be different? / If he never went to hiatus for a couple of months / if he wasn't embarrassed

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