Would i date you?(for boys)

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okay im see if i would date u or not..this is mostly just for fun cuz i was bored. There are 16 questions too answer...and of course i am a girl not a boy

tho in 5th grade i realize i was lesbian for a year, then i found out i was intergender-asexual-lesbian for 2 years, and at the end of the second year i was into boys again ._. (now im in highschool)

Created by: Mama_cinnamonroll653
  1. hi :3
  2. Are u ok with cuddles?
  3. Okay so im sitting next to a window and im just looking out it, wut will u do
  4. Your sitting on the couch on ur phone and i walk into the living room and i suddenly trip and fall and i start to cry, what are u gonna do?
  5. are u aggressive or shy?
  6. are you touchy?...
  7. What does ur hair look like? (be honest!!)
  8. i kiss u on the cheek, wut would u do?
  9. how old are you?
  10. are u expressive?
  11. [AT SCHOOL] in the back halls, 2 people are surrounding me, one trys to F^Vk me, and the others is pinning me to the wall, wut are u going to do? (dont ask -.-)
  12. I love you~ <3
  13. *i hug you* wut are u gonna do?
  14. are you clingy or affectionate? (be honest!!)
  15. Whats ur personality like? (be honest!!)
  16. Okay last thing. Im depressed, have severe anxiety problems, trauma and cries every day on the inside.
  17. bye...

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