The Star Trek: Into Darkness Quiz

Star Trek: Into Darkness is the most recent Star Trek film to date. It is directed by J.J Abrams, Written by Damon Lindelof and Roberto Orci. It stars Chris Pine, Zachery Quinto and Benedict comeberbatch.

This film is incredible, in my opinion. As we are nearing the one year anniversary since it's release date, I thought making this quiz would be practical. I hope you enjoy it. Just a warning: If you have not seen the film I suggest that you don't take this quiz at it contains SPOILERS. Enjoy!

Created by: Sarah
  1. Which production company distributed the film?
  2. In what year does the film take place?
  3. What is the name of the first soundtrack title?
  4. What is the number on the jump ship that Khan uses to attack Starfleet head-quarters?
  5. What is the name of the Klingon weapon used by the Klingons, Khan and Uhura in the Qo'noS Wartet scene?
  6. Complete the following sentence: "Sounds like we got a ___ on board."
  7. What was the name of the area where the Kelvin Memorial was destroyed?
  8. Did the long range torpedo's run on photon or proton power?
  9. Why did Khan surrender?
  10. What class of ship was the U.S.S Vengeance and how much faster was it compared to the U.S.S Enterprise?
  11. According to Khan, what is he "better" at than everyone else?
  12. Approximately how many times does Khan punch or hit Kirk in the Vengeance bridge?
  13. Complete the sentence: "It's going to be like jumping out of a moving car, off a bridge and into your _____."
  14. Where does the term "The enemy of my enemy is my friend", come from according to Spock?
  15. Who tries to stop Khan from killing Admiral Marcus?
  16. What part of the ship does Khan say he will target if Spock doesn't comply with his demands?
  17. "Vulcan's do not___."
  18. According to Sulu, what will happen to the enterprise if they enter earth's atmosphere?
  19. Why is it dangerous to try and repair the warp-core manually?
  20. What salute does Spock perform while pressing his hand against the glass during Kirk's death sequence?
  21. Why did Khan crash the U.S.S Vengeance into Starfleet head-quarters?
  22. How many blows does Spock land on Khan in the final fight before Uhura finally gets him to stop?
  23. What were the coordinates that led to the secret Jupiter base?
  24. How many weeks was Kirk knocked out for after he had supposedly "died" of radiation?
  25. Complete the ending monologue: "There will always be those who mean to do us harm. To stop them, we risk awakening the same evil within ______".
  26. Last question: How much money approximately did Star Trek:Into Darkness gross internationally?

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