Honestly this quiz was for fun but- heheheh >;33333333WHOS BORED? I AM! SO TAKE THIS QUIZZZZ CUZ Y NOTTTT? i needto take my pills lolzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

This is just my type, i hope i didnt offend u ;((((((((((((((((((((((( Im a girl btw ;3333333333333333333i need to type 150 chracters so im sorry ;((((((((((((

Created by: Alyssa
  1. What gender r u?
  2. Are you loyal???
  3. do you support furrys/therians????
  4. physical touch?
  5. Sleepovers??
  6. How old r u???
  7. Christian????
  8. Do you want to date me? ;3
  9. Are YOU bored (random question cuz i need at least ten)
  10. whats ur name

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