Would I date you? (10-13 year old guys or girls only)

Would I date you? 10 - 13 year old guys or girls only. I'm an 11 year old bisexual Latina girl, I'm lonely, henceforth, this quiz! I'm making this in 2020, just saying this to let you all keep up to date. Just saying, I tend to lean towards the lesbian side of the bisexual spectrum, but a guy could still win my heart. Maybe you might!

Here's jst a little description of me if you want to know:Tall, naturally tan Latina, black-brown eyes, black-brown very short hair, glasses, not that pretty to be honest XD. So yeah, give it a shot if you'd like! There's a good chance I will like you back.

Created by: Sophia Lopez
  1. How old are you? I'm 11
  2. This doesn't really matter, as I will love you for whatever race you are, but I would like to know, I am a Latina Girl
  3. Do you mind if I have glasses?
  4. I am a bisexual 11 year old Latina girl, how do you feel about lgbt people?
  5. What's your opinion on Furries or Weebs?
  6. Would you talk dirty to me
  7. Are you willing to talk about sensitive stuff?
  8. What's your gender?
  9. Are you a fan of Erin Hunter!
  10. Are you ok with long distance relationships?
  11. Cat or dog person?
  12. Are you ok with weird things?
  13. What would your reaction be if I talked dirty to you
  14. Are you a book worm or a sports lover?
  15. What your body weight? Again, doesn't really matter, but I'd like to know
  16. Thoughts on animals?
  17. Would you mind if I'm not that pretty?
  18. Last question, do you like politics

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