Would I consider you as a friend or not??????

This quiz is about if I would like u or not. I basically have 4 areas, no way i would stay away, meh I don't really care, friends we'd be good friends (obviosly), and besties we would be inseparable.

basically I don't really care and I had the time so I did this for fun. also I don't know why but I have fight song by rachel plattern stuck in my head.

Created by: teresa
  1. How often would we hang out????
  2. Do u have a phone??? (has no effect)
  3. what's ur favorite color??
  4. what's ur gender??
  5. what's ur age???
  6. what's ur favorite sport??
  7. cats or dogs???
  8. how many pets do u own??
  9. what pets do u have??
  10. what's ur favorite subject??
  11. how do u treat ur friends??
  12. what r u when bulling is happening???
  13. what do u do when u see someone being bullied????
  14. which artist do you like more???

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