Would I be your friend?

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Hi,I'm Kiko and I made this quiz to see if you can be my friend!:D (If you don't like cats you can't be my friend)Also I hope you enjoy this quiz bc it took me a lot of time to make

I Hope you like this quiz!And that you get a good score! It Is my firts quiz ever!So please answer honestly!bye bye I Hope you enjoy the quiz! :D Also do not respost the quiz!!!

Created by: Kiko
  1. Do you like cats?
  2. Do you like lisening to music?
  3. Do you make people sad or angry often?
  4. Do you like raccoons?
  5. Are you kind with people ?
  6. How old are you?
  7. Do you like drawing?
  8. If you said yes to the last question,do you like drawing challenges?
  9. Do you make paper dragons?
  10. Do you do quadropist some times? (walking on all fours)
  11. Rate this quiz! :> (this question will not affect the results)

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Quiz topic: Would I be my friend?
