would i be your friend?

i might remake it and make it better+longer but thats a maybe. (This has caps!!!) so i need too make these both 150 characters long so imma just say dum stuff

sticking out your gyat for the rizzleerrrrrrrrr your so skibidi your so phantom tax i just wanna be your sigma..........frggin come here gimmie your ohio.

Created by: yarharhar
  1. do you use emoticons? (like XD, X3, :3, :P etc...)
  2. are you a cat person, or a dog person?
  3. whats your aesthetic (or favorite)?
  4. whats one of your faviorite shows (thats on youtube)
  5. pick a playlist based of the name except there wierd
  6. whats your favorite color?
  7. do you simp for jack (or did you simp for bob from spooky month or the one slur from the lorax)
  9. i walk up to you, (ofc i say hello), and offer oyu a hug-what do you do?
  10. was this quiz good or bad

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Quiz topic: Would i be my friend?

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