Who is your Amphibia best friend

Hello! This is my first-ever quiz so if it's not fully accurate then don't get mad, please! Also, this is a quiz on Amphibia. I've noticed there is like none on this app so Imma put one on here. This quiz will tell you who your Amphibia best friend is.

Hope you guys enjoy this! Tell me any fanfics of shows that you would like me to create! This includes Disney shows/movies, anime, Cartoons, and anything else (I won't post the fict if I don't know the show). I will add y/n if requested!

Created by: Hyena_Lover
  1. How would your friends describe you?
  2. Who would you date out of these 3?
  3. Who would you murder to keep on living?
  4. How many friends do you have?
  5. What animal do you like the most?
  6. What show do you like more out of these?
  7. What kind of music do you like?
  8. Do you prefer a boy as a BFF or a girl?
  9. What books do you prefer reading?
  10. What pokemon do you like better?

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Quiz topic: Who is my Amphibia best friend
