would i be afraid of you if you were my parent

have you wonderd what you will be like if you are a parent? take my quiz to find out! Note: i am a bad speller so plz don't say bad things to me!!!!!:D

PLEASE TAKE MY QUIZ TO FIND OUT IF YOU ARE A GOOD BAD OR NORMAL PARENT!!! in a few minutes you can find out! I know I spell bad but plz don't say bad stuff and this is my first quiz

Created by: emily
  1. how hard will you spank me if I broke you window
  2. how long would you ground me?
  3. what would you spank me with?
  4. do you give people wedgies?
  5. how loud will you yell at me if I broke you vase
  6. do you like kids?
  7. how many kid do you want?
  8. do you bully people?
  9. you forgot to do your homework what do you do
  10. bye did you like the quiz? (does not effect score)

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