Would EyeShade(my evil oc) fall in love with you?

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Would EyeShade (My oc) fall in love with you?? Find it out here! Are you the mate of this murder?? Or all of StarClan is in your side? LETS SEE IF YOU ARE VERY STRONG TO HANDLE HIM.

I would like to you to comment this quiz. It’s my first. I’ll make another if I can. Good luck! Well, with no more questions. Let’s start! Oh I can make more quiz if u want

Created by: WARRIORS FAN
  1. HEYA! How are u? :)
  2. FIRST ONE! Is your oc a good cat?
  3. SECOND! Which Clan is your oc from?
  4. THIRD! Wich color is your cat?
  5. FOURTH! Is She or Tom?
  6. FIFTH! Does he have a disability?
  7. SIXTH! Does ur oc have long or short hair?
  8. SEVENTH! Which Rank is your cat?
  9. EIGHTH! Which one of these does describe more your cat?
  10. NINTH! If your cat dies, he goes to:
  11. LAST ONE!! Is your oc a good mate? Or is it a stupid cat like Apple Dusk (LOL)

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