Worlds hardest quiz!

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You will be taking the WORLDS HARDEST QUIZ! Where you have to choose the correct answers. Some questions are about me or things in real life, or about random stuff that's goofy. I wish you luck on this very hard quiz.

First let me tell you guys about myself. I'm Trevor p. and I love basketball and it's my #1 favorite sport. I can't tell you my age or that kind of stuff but I still go to school so remember that for the quiz! I really hope you enjoy this quiz that I worked non stop on!😀

Created by: Trevor
  1. Why did you pick this quiz
  2. Do I have a girlfriend or boyfriend
  3. How old am I
  4. What's the best sport
  5. If you did basketball who's the best basketball player
  6. What's the most popular video game
  7. Do you like this quiz Hint say yes
  8. Will you share this with your friends / hit yes and share it and you will get it
  9. How high can I dunk
  10. Do you like me
  11. Are you excited for Christmas
  12. What lebron, Kobe, and Steph currys numbers
  13. Choose the correct answer
  14. Are you excited for the end
  15. What kind of phone do I have
  16. How much friends do I have
  17. Are you ready for the last question
  18. What's the square root of 100
  19. I guess this is it
  20. What do you think you will get

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