How strong can you be in a fictional world

This quiz is gonna tell you how strong you would be in a fictional world combined with other worlds.It will test your strengh and options.Choose wisely.

The worlds collided are:Naruto,Dragon ball z,JoJo bizarre andventure,Nanatsu no tazai and Bleach.I wish you all the luck in the world.Let the quiz begin.

Created by: Joeseph
  1. Are you a leader or a follower?
  2. Which weapon you prefer?
  3. Which race would you be?
  4. What you can use?
  5. What could be your weakness?
  6. Who could be your companion?
  7. A second companion?
  8. Your willing to sacrifice yourself for your companions?
  9. Would you hate the enemy?
  10. Youll kill innocent people?

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Quiz topic: How strong can I be in a fictional world
