WOF Darkstalker Quiz

It was a very difficult quiz to make because I had to look through the book to figure out what quiz questions to make, so it wasn't the easiest quiz to make.

Like I said, it wasn't easy to make this, so if you click the smiley rating, that would make my day because of how much work I had to do to make this quiz.

Created by: Eye Of Onyx
  1. Who were Darkstalker's Father and Mother?
  2. Who was the assassin sent to kill Darkstalker?
  3. What spell did Darkstalker cast on Prince Arctic?
  4. Who was the one who killed half of the SeaWing tribe.
  5. How many moons was Darkstalker born under?
  6. Who does Fathom marry?
  7. Fathom's oath was:
  8. What did Darkstalker do to his scales?
  9. Which palace was banned from use and the assasination?
  10. LAST QUESTION!!!How would you rate this quiz (Does not effect score)

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