Sheik, Prince Sidon, or Prince Lotor

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Okay, let me be honest for a second. I fell in love with Sheik the second I laid eyes on him and I was a simp for the longest time...then Prince Sidon came and he was my new husband, making Sheik just a boyfriend (but let's be honest, Sheik will NOT be settling down anytime soon). I was with him, and then I started watching Voltron Legendary Defender. I was so happy I had found a show that I wasn't obsessed with the bad guy...then Prince Lotor came. I was in love instantly and I still love him to this day. In fact, I still love all of them, so I decided to make this personality about them!

So this is the quiz. you will go through the questions and figure out which of the three hottest guys you are! I hope you like the personality of them because that took lots of consideration. Please enjoy my Sheik, Sidon Lotor quiz!

Created by: Sheik
  1. In one word, how would you describe yourself?
  2. how many friends do you have?
  3. What is your favorite color?
  4. you are angry. What would you do?
  5. if you could have anyone to be your love, what would be their personality
  6. who would your favorite character be?
  7. What pet would you have?
  8. What music do you like
  9. if you could be anything in the world, what out of these four would you most likely be?
  10. Who do you think you are?

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