Witch WDW boy hates you?

This quiz is to see if one of the WDW boys hates you. If you don’t know how to feel then you don’t have to take this quiz. But please do because this is my first quiz.

I appreciate you for taking time to take this quiz and I hope 🤞 that you enjoy it! I hope you aren’t offended by this.Again Please please please don’t take this seriously.

Created by: DanielSeaveyLove
  1. What is your favorite color
  2. What do you look for in a person?
  3. What is your favorite song by WDW?
  4. What is your favorite place you want to visit
  5. Who do you love more?
  6. What is your favorite animal?
  7. What do you fear most
  8. Choose one food to eat for the rest of the year
  9. What makes you angry?
  10. What are you great full for right now?

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