Witch of my Warrior Cat OC's are you??

This is a quiz about which OC of mine you are. There are 4 different cats you can be and more than 2 answers to a question. Good luck! bhvfhcdbdnndbdv

Some of the questions are a bit odd.. but that's just me. Anyways, let's begin! (Also, whats is actually your favorite song? Please let me know in the comments!)

Created by: RDJ
  1. What is your favorite cat breed?
  2. What are your favorite colors?
  3. You receive a prophecy about your littermate that reveals their future, do you tell them about it?
  4. What is your fave song?
  5. Favorite WC YouTuber?
  6. You find out your littermate is expecting kits. You're happy for her until you realize that her mate is a jerk. Do you tell her?
  7. Your littermate is appointed deputy. You're fine with this until he starts bragging to EVERYONE about it and starts bossing everyone around. Do you tell him?
  8. Favorite holiday?
  9. Favorite Musician/Artist?
  10. Favorite TBC Warrior Cat?

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Quiz topic: Witch of my Warrior Cat OC's am I??

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