witch of my characters are you? leader edition

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this is my quiz, welcome blah blah blah you probably wont read this so please dont its stupid jdjoieifwqhweuqfhihueuhfuehhfuhueqpwhupwuedwegfgoqueueuy

random stuff ehifwhhuehuhfuheufheuhfuehufehuhuhuhfehfuheufheuhfehuefhufehuehufehuehfuehufheuhfuhpqwuu3rqpjdranjuihui34uhafiul,jrebCLsehyra4y3uolhrealy

Created by: Shiningstar
  1. what is your favorite prey?
  2. do yo what to have kit/already do?
  3. what is your favorite clan?
  4. do you want/have a mate?
  5. would you kill?
  6. who do you what to be?
  7. if you died, were would you want to go?
  8. you smell fox, you...
  9. how many sieries did you read? just asking
  10. jipfahefiqhue?

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Quiz topic: Witch of my characters am I? leader edition

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