would you have a chance with an Australian.

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hi this is just my opinion also the question that is about vegans doesn't matter blah blah blah blah (i just had to make this 150 characters long T^T)

idk what to put here T^T blah blah blah (i just had to make this 150 characters long NO GOD PLEASE NO) no really why do we have to do this come on really

Created by: Mimi
  1. are you okay with a lot of swearing and i mean a lot of swearing like out of this world when they call there friends c*nt
  2. can you understand our slang
  3. are you vegan
  4. do you think you could survive with all the changes
  5. here's the most important question.....................do...you...like...vegemite dan! Dan! DAN!
  6. okay so are you okay with Australian youtubers.
  7. are you okay with hot weather as in you can't be under a blanket because it's 35 degrees at night
  8. if your 18+ are you okay with them drinking beer a lot (kindof)
  9. are you okay with them hanging out with the opposite gender just because there FRIENDS
  10. do you think New zealand is better than us

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