Witch it character are you

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Help if you are under 18 get out Witch it character are you Now here we go you can bee Bill pennywise George Ben Beverley and many others like penneywise

Also wil you pass the quiz you could half pennywhise and half George. Maybe you could be any half like Beverley and Bill or Beverly and Ben you could be any half and half

Created by: Daniel
  1. What do you wear everyday
  2. Did your brother die
  3. Are you afraid of clowns
  4. Do you like someone in school
  5. Are you new
  6. Do you like playing in the rain
  7. Do you take out trash
  8. Do you have a gang you like to hang out with after school
  9. Do you like making paper boats
  10. Do you fake being sick to not play

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Quiz topic: Witch it character am I
