Which god are you most like
In this quiz you will finde out witch god you are most like. Of all gods I only had 5 gods in the quiz and I chossed to have Oden, Loke, Frej, Tor and Tyr in the quiz. And I've only taken gods of the truth that means that ther are only gods from the norse paganism so called Asatru.
Gods that isn't in the quiz: Hoder, Freja, Frigg, Idunn, Vidar, Brage, Balder, Ull, Skade, Sjofin, Ran, Njord, Heimdall, Hel, Gods that is in the quiz: Loke, Oden, Frej, Tor, Tyr. In this quiz you will finde out witch god you are most like. Of all gods I only had 5 gods in the quiz and I chossed to have Oden, Loke, Frej, Tor and Tyr in the quiz. And I've only taken gods of the truth that means that ther are only gods from the norse paganism so called Asatru.
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