Witch DreamSMP member are you?

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This is the DreamSMP quiz you have to answer 10 questions to find out who you are. You can be Tommy, Ranboo, Dream, George, or Fundy. Who do you think you will be?

This is just the short descriptions Tommy: You are are a wild. Ranboo: A shy person who is kind. Dream: The crazy sociopath. George: Always is sleeping. Fundy: Loves animals.

Created by: TotalU
  1. How is life going for you?
  2. Who do you want to get?
  3. Have you ever played Minecraft?
  4. Do you have anything to do with the SMP?
  5. What is your opinion on the SMP?
  6. Are you a youtuber?
  7. Have you been on TV?
  8. What would your power be?
  9. What is your Zodiac Element
  10. How did you like the Quiz?

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Quiz topic: Witch DreamSMP member am I?
