What DreamSMP Member Are You?

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In this quiz you'll find out which DreamSMP creator you're most like! There are eight members I have chosen, perhaps you're a lot like Ranboo, or Skeppy?

This quiz is mostly based off of the creators' internet personalities, and not so much what they've made their characters out to be. Of course I don't know any of these people personally, so it's simply based on what they're like on stream or in their videos.

Created by: TheCylas
  1. Let's start with a fairly simple question. Which answer incudes your favourite colour?
  2. Pick a quote that you like and/or relate to.
  3. What kind of friendships do you often make?
  4. What is your humour like?
  5. What is/was your favourite subject in school?
  6. Would you consider yourself approachable?
  7. What genre is your favourite?
  8. You're the opposite gender for a day, what do you do?
  9. How would your friends describe you? (or how would you describe yourself, if you're too lazy to ask your friends.)
  10. Finally, what is your relationship status?

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Quiz topic: What DreamSMP Member am I?

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