Winx Trivia for Winx club fans

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This quiz is for the watchers of Winx club show and the spin off shows. I like it a lot so though of sharing some fun quiz with you all.Hope it was fun to answer some questions about our favorite characters.

Winx club is a show of six fairies and five specialist.They fight witches and monsters and protect people.It is an Italian-American animated television show.

Created by: munmun
  1. What is Musa the fairy of?
  2. Who is Layla's best friend
  3. name the transfroms in season five
  4. who is bloom's speailist?
  5. who is musa's singing sir at earth?
  6. In which season 4 episode jason queen's wedding happen?
  7. Who told bloom told bloom that she was a fairy?
  8. What is the spin of show for winix club?
  9. In which year did winix club start?
  10. What is the fourth episode of season?

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