Winx Trivia Quiz ( easy )

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If you’re a fan of the Winx Club franchise, you can test your beginner's knowledge and discover if you’re a Winx super fan or on your way to the end of the super fan scale!

If you get a good score, or even a measly one, don’t be mad at yourself just relax and try your best to improve and overcome with happiness and joy, with knowledge that the Winx will appreciate your effort.

Created by: Pamela
  1. Who is the leader of the Winx Club?
  2. Who has an younger sister named Miele?
  3. How many Winx are princesses?
  4. Who joins the group in season 4?
  5. Who is Bloom’s current boyfriend?
  6. Where is Bloom originally from?
  7. Which of Musa's parents died when she was young?
  8. Which of the Winx is from Zenith?
  9. Who is Bloom's Rabbit?
  10. What is the school for witches called?
  11. What magic do fairies use?
  12. How many fairies are in the Winx Club?
  13. How many Winx have siblings?
  14. How many Trix are there?
  15. What is Darcy's power?

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