Wings of Fire: Which dragonet of prophecy are you?

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Hello! This is a Wings Of Fire quiz! It’s based on the first five books of the series, and tests you on which of the protagonists you are. There are more details about them on the second paragraph!

There are only five possible results! Tsunami, the SeaWing (me!), Sunny the SandWing, Glory the RainWing, Starflight the NightWing, and Clay the MudWing. There are only eleven questions because I couldn’t think of any more… and I forgot to add a gender question, but that’s okay lol, it’s better that way!

Created by: Artemisfierce7
  1. Hello!
  2. What’s your favorite color?
  3. Which dragon are you?
  4. Do you even want to be part of the prophecy?
  5. What would your friends describe you as?
  6. Which of the first five books is your favorite?
  7. Let’s say you were one of the dragonets. There’s another dragon, an IceWing, that’s cowering beneath a huge SandWing, whose tail is pointed right at the IceWing’s eyes. What do you do?
  8. Would you ever kill someone?
  9. What weather do you like best?
  10. Which guardian did you like most?
  11. This is the end!! (I couldn’t think of any more questions D: )

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Quiz topic: Wings of Fire: Which dragonet of prophecy am I?
