Wings of fire what dragonet are you

If ur bored and want to be a dragonet then do the quiz for wof .the dragonets are waiting for the truth so please ………… HURRY UP AND DO THE QUIZ.🐉🐲🐬🐷🍉📖🦂

The dragonets are coming they’re coming to save the day there coming to fight for they know what’s right ooooooooooooooooooooh the dragonets are coming hoooray

Created by: Sarah
  1. Pick a color
  2. What suits you best
  3. Pick a name
  4. Pick a tribe
  5. Pick a number
  6. Who is urs ?
  7. Who is ur mom
  8. WHO’s is ur dad
  9. Who is ur sib
  10. Blister blaze or burn

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Quiz topic: Wings of fire what dragonet am I
